The Dreamers Moment

An unassuming telephone salesman with a chipped tooth came on Britians Got Talent claiming to be an opera singer. The judges and crowd smirked, but this lovely singer was not deterred from giving his best. By now you all know Paul Potts who shocked the audience when he belted out a beautiful 'Nessun Dorma'. Since then he has gone on to a successful career in opera, singing all over the world.

The Dreamers Moment is best explained when Paul was walking off stage at his first performance before Simon Cowell and the world. That moment when he realized his life was about to change forever. There is no more beautiful moment for the dreamer. No amount of success will equal that single moment when you realize, my dream has finally come true.

In the Dreamers Empire podcast I will continue this 'Dreamers Moment' segment that I began a few years ago. I interview folks chasing a dream, talk about their highs and lows, what they are chasing after, and what they've learned on their journey. Look for podcast information in early 2015. You can listen to my existing podcasts by clicking here.

If you'd like to do an interview send an email to